
New Founder School

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Help. I'm suffocating under massive revenue goals.

Hey Reader, Have you ever felt overwhelmed as an entrepreneur trying to keep up with the seven-figure success stories that flood your social media feeds? The pressure to hit those massive revenue goals can be truly suffocating, and I can't even quantify the number of times I've talked to both new and seasoned entrepreneurs who let this stop them in their tracks. The reality is, it's NOT reality. Ever heard of the phrase 'go touch grass'? Well, reading this email is the digital version of...

Hey Reader, Let me take you back to 2021—a time when I had no fancy tools, no email list, and no real plan. I was just an eager entrepreneur sitting on my couch, trying to figure out how to make my first online offer work. I decided to keep it simple: a 30-minute coaching call packaged as my first offer. I didn't have a business name, a website, or any of the "must-have" tools that the gurus insisted on. What I did have was determination. It might sound corny, but it's true. I hustled hard,...

Hey Reader, As entrepreneurs, we're told that success requires relentless hustle, long hours, and sacrifice. But what if I told you that the grass is actually greener on the other side and you absolutely can be successful and put your life first?? That's the core philosophy behind New Founder School—a life-first business approach that puts your well-being at the forefront. What Is a Life-First Business? 🤔 A life-first business is one that aligns with your personal values, allows you to...

Hey Reader, Ever wondered how Figma skyrocketed to a $10 billion valuation? It wasn't just about having a fancy product; it was about leveraging their community. Let's explore how Figma's strategy can inspire and guide you in building a thriving community around your business.📝 Figma's Community-Driven Growth Figma's success story is a testament to the power of community. By focusing on building and nurturing a strong community, they created a loyal customer base and drove incredible growth....

Hey Reader, Raise your hand if you've ever been caught up in the hustle culture, striving to achieve success at any cost. Be honest. Raise that hand. 😉 When I first started my entrepreneurial journey in Silicon Valley, the fast-paced, high-pressure environment seemed like the perfect place to bring my ideas to life. The energy, innovation, and opportunities were unparalleled. However, after years of relentless hustle, I began to feel the weight of burnout. The constant grind started to take a...

Hey Reader, As entrepreneurs, we often push ourselves to the limit, driven by passion and the desire to succeed. However, this relentless drive can sometimes lead us down the path to burnout—a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. A study by the Harvard Business Review found that entrepreneurs are more likely to experience mental health issues, including burnout, compared to the general population. As if we don't have enough hurdles in entrepreneurship. 👉 Today, I want to share...

Hey Reader, Balancing entrepreneurship and pregnancy has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Many of you know me as a driven entrepreneur and professor, but recently, I've embarked on an incredible new journey: building a little human inside me. This has led me to deeply reflect on the concept of balance and the importance of creating a life-first business. The Struggle for Balance As entrepreneurs, we often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. Adding pregnancy...

Hey Reader, The other day, I had an enlightening conversation with a friend who works at a startup. We were discussing our Q3 and Q4 planning at my company, and we both agreed on one thing: the importance of focusing on growth and revenue. In my businesses, growth, and revenue are always the top priorities. Everything else—brand, content, the fun stuff—comes after. It might sound unexciting, but these "boring" goals are what keep a business thriving. Revenue and growth, either in the number...

Hey Reader, One strategy has transformed how I manage my days as a CEO, and I've been using it for the past three years. It's also helped many entrepreneurs I've coached. While it might not work for everyone, it's made a significant difference for me and others struggling with focus and balance. As entrepreneurs, we juggle countless responsibilities. The lack of focus and balance can lead to burnout, affecting our mental, physical, and emotional health. So, here's what I do: ⤵️ 🚨 Pick Three...

Hey Reader, As unconventional entrepreneurs, we juggle full-time work, family obligations, and our passion projects. We bootstrap our ventures, invest our own money, and hustle to pay the bills while building our dreams, more often than not leading to being overwhelmed and burnt out, making it hard to maintain momentum. ** Raise your hand if you've ever felt true burnout. **Me. ⤵️ But here's the thing—momentum, while great, isn't the most important thing. What's more important is consistency....