Do you want to quit your business?

Hey Reader,

As unconventional entrepreneurs, we juggle full-time work, family obligations, and our passion projects. We bootstrap our ventures, invest our own money, and hustle to pay the bills while building our dreams, more often than not leading to being overwhelmed and burnt out, making it hard to maintain momentum.

** Raise your hand if you've ever felt true burnout. **
Me. ⤵️

But here's the thing—momentum, while great, isn't the most important thing.

What's more important is consistency. Some days, it's about just moving one foot in front of the other. When you feel like giving up and think, "Maybe I'll start again when the time is right," remember: there is no right or wrong time to be an entrepreneur. It's when you choose to be one.

On those slow days or weeks when it feels like you've barely had a chance to work on your idea or business, tell yourself, "I'm still moving ahead." Don't leave your idea behind. Finding the motivation to rebuild is the hardest part. Consistency, even if it's slow, is key.

Three months from now, six months from now, a year from now—you will thank yourself for every small step you took.

Keep pushing, keep moving forward, and remember: you're building something amazing, one small step at a time.

Until next time,

P.S. Ready to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level?

Join us inside the New Founder School Community! Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and discover the resources and support you need to succeed. Learn more here.

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