I love my boring goals 🥱

Hey Reader,

The other day, I had an enlightening conversation with a friend who works at a startup. We were discussing our Q3 and Q4 planning at my company, and we both agreed on one thing: the importance of focusing on growth and revenue.

In my businesses, growth, and revenue are always the top priorities. Everything else—brand, content, the fun stuff—comes after. It might sound unexciting, but these "boring" goals are what keep a business thriving.

Revenue and growth, either in the number of people we impact or the amount of dollars we bring in, are the pillars of a sustainable business. My friend mentioned that during a meeting, people were eager to talk about exciting projects.

But here's the truth: while excitement is great, it's the consistent, sometimes mundane tasks that ensure people keep their jobs and the business continues to grow.

đź‘Ź Here's why I chase boring goals:

1. Stability: Consistently focusing on revenue and growth provides a stable foundation for your business. It's like building a sturdy house—without a strong foundation, the whole structure can collapse.

2. Sustainability: When you prioritize growth and revenue, you create processes that lead to long-term sustainability. This means your business can weather storms and continue thriving even when challenges arise.

3. Energy Management: Flashy projects can drain your energy and resources. As an unconventional entrepreneur, you likely have limited resources and energy. It's crucial to direct these towards goals that guarantee growth and stability.

So, when you are getting whiplash from all the fantastic ideas you have or exciting projects that come up, always remember that they, more often than not, pull you from the 'boring' goals that will keep your business going. Here's what I recommend: ⤵️

1. Set Clear Priorities: Determine your primary goals—revenue and growth. Write them down and keep them front and center in your planning.

2. Create Consistent Processes: Develop processes that ensure steady growth. Whether it's refining your sales funnel, improving customer retention, or optimizing your marketing strategy, consistency is key.

3. Evaluate Opportunities: Before diving into exciting projects, evaluate whether they align with your growth and revenue goals. If they don't, consider them secondary priorities.

4. Stay Focused: Remind yourself regularly why you're focusing on these "boring" goals. They might not be glamorous, but they are the backbone of your business success.

By keeping your focus on the fundamentals, you'll build a business that not only survives but thrives. 👉 The exciting projects can come later once you've established a solid foundation.

Until next time,

P.S. Ready to dive deeper into strategies for sustainable growth?

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